Welcome to my the testing zone

  "Wish upon a star
  For a magical tomorrow
  Catch the gleam in our dreams and tears."

"Wish upon a star For a magical tomorrow Catch the gleam in our dreams and tears."

Testing 1

>this is stuff that happened during a repeatable event

>wow, isnt this cool? i love this festival

>now lets see how switching to other parts looks

>hopefully not bad lol

<"what about the dialog options?"

>hopefully line breaks dont break this lol

>now to figure out getting rid of that arrow above the title...

Testing 2

>now to see how it reacts to having more than one of these open at a time

>funny haha dialog

>*generic npc dialog

>they threw my ass in the time loop

<"testing more options"

>vaers pretty fucked up imo

>but no one listens to me. say im disrespecting their god or whatever :/

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