Quieter at Night

>*As the sun begins to get lower in the sky, you wander away from the festivities, making sure to avoid sight of Lula and her family. You're tired enough as it is.*

>*You find a quiet spot and set up camp there, Jevil and Chrominance helping as much as they can. You haven't quite gotten to the time of year where you can just throw the bedroll on the ground and be done with it, since the night's still tend to get cold, so you struggle with the tent for some time.*

<"Bundle up."

>*When you finish, you lay down on the bedroll with a flop, and wrap a blanket around you, your pets cuddling up to you. It isn't even too cold tonight, but you need the comfort either way.*

<How do I keep getting myself wrapped up in these things...

>*It takes a bit to get used to the quiet again after all the noise you've been around.*

>*After a few minutes of just lying there, you decide to do something to pass the time until you want to sleep.*

<"Write in your journals."

>*You grab the two journals you know you'll need, your daily one and the one with notes on the gods and magic of this world. You start with the gods, since that will be less writing.*

>*You flip your way through the pages, looking for the page reserved for this month.*

>*You write down what you've learned, mainly drawing on the play done earlier. Kelbi is a snail, the god of Spring, and they need to be woken up to ensure Spring arrives. You write a little bit about the festival as well, and the centerpiece being The Clattering, where everyone makes as much noise as they can to wake up Kelbi.*


>*You linger a moment on that. The whole thing's about noise.*

<"Change journals."

>*You shake yourself out of your thoughts and put that one away. There wasn't much more to write anyway. Maybe you'll ask Astra to tell you more later.*

>*You begin writing the day's events, starting with meeting Lula and her family. Days like this where a lot happened you find easier to write about than the quieter days.*

>*You get to The Clattering, talking about your dance performance. You reflect on the performance. It was..."

<"Mostly good."

>*It was weird to compare it to the show you did in Vaer Reef. On a base level they were mostly the same, both were shows telling a story about one of the gods. Yet...*

>*Was it just bad associations with what happened after? It couldn't be though, you got that anxious feeling during it. You didn't really know much about Vaer before that.*

>*Maybe it was the stories themselves. Kelbi's was more about how mortals needed to help them wake up. We were more on their level, they needed our help. Vaer meanwhile...it felt like it was about how he was the most powerful. Everyone else didn't matter. He had all the answers. He knew what was right for everyone. No one should question his authority. If you dared to question him, you were a greedy, violent, honourless person.*

>*But what did he know? How did he know what was right? He was a god, yeah, but…he didn't get it. He didn't get it at all. His way was wrong, and it was hurting so many more people than it was helping. There was no balance with his way. People were suffering when they shouldn't have needed to. Why couldn't she just see that--*

>*You shake yourself out of your thoughts before you start crying. You aren't even talking about Vaer at this point.*

>*Though you...aren't sure who you are talking about.*

<"Retrieve another journal."

>*You pull out your memory journal. You flip to the end and write down some of the thoughts you just had. Maybe one day you'll organize this, you're sure you're repeating yourself.*

>*Still...you want to make sure you write down anything you can remember.*

>*As you finish what you're writing, you find yourself thinking back to the performance today. It was just a dance, but it was still fun, and everyone seemed to like it. You were never much of a dancer, but it was nice to do something with music.*

>*You find yourself wanting to do more again.*

>*Maybe you could pick up an instrument...*


>*...But it's not the same, is it?*

<"Throw the journal aside."

>*There were pirates there today. You recognized a couple from Wras' crew. You asked them to sing some sea shanties to help with the noise.*

>*They sounded good. Other people joined in.*

>*They want as much noise as they can. Lula really liked the music.*


>*You look at one of the noisemakers you were given. It worked. It was loud. You usually use a few at a time.*

<...It isn't the same.

>*You try singing. Nothing.*

<Gods, when I find out who did this to me...



[Complete quest.]