The Fairytale Meadow

>*As you wander through the forest looking for Irin, you stumble upon an open meadow. There seems to be someone there...*

>Barclay: No, that isn’t right either. If you would just hold still...

>*Their back is to you, so you can't tell what they're doing or even really what they look like. You see them adorned with the same yellow flowers in the field, with a pair of long rabbit ears partly hidden by bright yellow hair.*

>*...You realize along with not giving you a direction to go, Trout didn't tell you what Irin actually looked like either.*

<That...surely isn't them right...? These look like the same flowers we were getting rid of earlier...

>*You carefully make your way towards the stranger...*

<"You step on a branch by accident."

>Barclay: Oh!

>*They sit up, startled, dropping a tiny rabbit half-wearing a lacy cape. The rabbit races off into the forest, dragging the cape along behind it.*

>Now look what you’ve done! It took me days to make that cape just right!


>Barclay: Just who are you, anyway? I don’t think I’ve seen you before - and I’d remember someone who looked like you.

<Ok what's THAT supposed to mean?

>Oh! I bet Glume sent you to ruin my plans. Or was it Mycel?

>*You don't even get a chance to write a response.*

>Well, whichever it was, you tell them to stop bothering me or I’ll have to do something mean!

>*You have no idea what they're talking about, but you decide to nod just to be safe and continue on your way...*

<Descant: Ok, sorry, I'm going.

[Complete quest.]

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